
Warranty statement

Macrovip guarantees its customers that its products are manufactured with high-quality components, undergoing rigorous testing to assure its customers that all products have the highest standards of safety, quality and performance.

Macrovip will repair, replace or provide a monetary credit after evaluating the product.

This warranty does not cover any damage caused to the product as a result of incorrect installation, accident, misuse, natural disaster, insufficient or excessive power supply, any unauthorized disassembly, repair or modification.

This warranty also does not apply to products whose original identification information has been modified, erased or deleted, which have not been handled and packaged correctly, or which have been sold as second-hand products.

Macrovip is not responsible for (and the warranty does not cover) damage, loss or deletion of data, misuse, or any costs related to determining the source of system problems.

Some system configurations may not be designed to operate or may not work at the speed and timing settings. Overclocking, subjecting a system to higher speeds than it was designed for, or modifying system timing may result in damage to computer components, and Macrovip disclaims any and all liability for such damage.

This warranty excludes all third-party software, connecting equipment or data storage. Therefore, Macrovip shall not be liable for any actual or consequential loss or damage attributable to third-party software, connected equipment or stored data. In the event of a claim, Macrovip’s sole obligation will be to replace the hardware or issue a refund at Macrovip’s sole discretion. To request a warranty for your product, you can contact your dealer directly or email contato@macrovip.com.

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